MS Word Tutorial in Bangla Lesson-1| MS Word Tutorial for Beginners

Hello Everyone. Greetings! Hope you all are fine.

In this video, we will learn the very basics of MS Word in Bangla language. Ms Word is very important and widely used application program in both educational and professional sector. Without it we can not think of any reports, letter, CV, assignments, notes etc. Today we will learn: 1. how to easily create a MS Word file; 2. how to open an existing document; 3. how to write in the word file; 4. how to operate the cut, copy and paste function; 5. how to format (basic) text; 6. how to save the file with a name; and 7. how to close and exit MS Word file. I hope you will love the video and it's contents. Please stay fine and stay with me with your like, and share. These will inspire me to make contents on more important topics. Thanks for watching.

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