MS Word Tips for daily use| MS Word Tutorial in Bangla

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In this video, we will discuss 5 most important tips & tricks for Microsoft Word that will help us to do our job more easily and in smart way. 5 important topics are:

1. how to easily create bookmarks and hyperlinks; 2. how to set default font for all Microsoft word document; 3. how to make superscript & subscript; 4. how to repeat header row of a column in different page; and 5. how to convert numbers in word/ text. I hope you will love the video and it's contents. Please stay fine and stay with me with your like, share and subscription. These will inspire me to make contents on more important topics.

Thanks for watching. #msword​, #wordinbangla​, #mswordforbeginner​, #learn4future​, #microsoftword​, #word​, #office365​, #banglatutorial​, #word2013, #word2016, #learnwithsanatanpramanik​, #tips​, #tricks​, #tipsandtricks​, #exceliseasy​, #bangla​, #pagesetup​, #basictoadvance​, #wordhacks, #5importanttips, #wordtips, #tips&tricks, #bookmarks, #hyperlinks, #superscript, #subscript, #repeatheaderrow, #numbertotext, #numbertoword, #amountinword, #keyboardshortcut, #wordshortcut, #msword,
